for club instructors

Clubscope gives Instructors a Mobile/Tablet/Laptop App which lets them manage student attendance effectively and gives them the information they need, when they need it.

  • Custom Built Progressive Web App
  • Scan Students OFFLINE and ONLINE
  • Scan Students by QR Code
  • Search & Manually Checkin Students
  • Quick Access to Medical & Emergency Info
  • Quick Access Grading Eligibility
  • Generate Fire/Class Registers

& much more, including archive data system with ability to view past data for any safeguarding checks.

for club students

Clubscope allows students to login and view their own activity and know how many lessons they need before they can grade.

  • View personal activity levels
  • View how lessons required before next grading
  • View family members in a single app (parent/child account)
  • Add additional members (add family members/partners)
  • Edit Profile and Change Profile Image
  • Members App + PWA for Quick QR Show
  • Link to Website to Book Grading when eligible

& much more …. Clubscope was built by Professional Web and App Developers who are Martial Arts Students, working with Martial Arts Clubs. Clubscope was made to help BOTH clubs and students. 


Set up your locations and configure the classes, times and eligibility rules for those locations. If you monitor attendance and reward based on a point / stamp basis, this system can track student activity and advise when they are eligible to grade.

Elevate members within your organisation to give them additional facilities e.g set members as Instructors who can perform student check-ins, access medical information and take class register for fire safety procedures. 

Built for your club to take control of your members

Request a demo and see how you can take your club membership to the next level with Clubscope. Proven to be reliable and with cutting edge technology which works completely OFFLINE using a mobile app or tablet device. 


Intro Video done for UTA Students

We have worked with the UTA (Unified Taekwon-Do Association) to create a system which works for ITF Taekwon-Do. Master Horan VII has now established this in all UTA clubs who are actively using Clubscope for their membership and attendance .

Clubscope can be not only be adapted for TaekwonDo Clubs but any Martial Arts and Fitness Clubs where membership and attendance tracking is required. 

Active Clubs Using Clubscope

Here are a selection of clubs using Clubscope software commercially. 

Each of these clubs operate their own membership and attendance tracking systems using Clubscope Membership and Attendance software and advanced Progressive Web Apps.

New Enquiries

Our objective was to deliver a system which surpassed current market offerings and by working with a successful, established organisation such as the U.T.A, we were able to pressure test Clubscope with over 1500 students. 

Now, it’s time to allow other clubs and organisations to benefit from Clubscope.