Latest Version: v1.3.2.1

Last updated 21st September 2020

This is a guide for the Club Scope Attendance PWA which allows UTA clubs to scan members into their clubs and record attendance

progressive web apps

Attendance PWA (Progressive Web App)


Login: same e-mail and password as used for Club Manager @

Overview Video

The PWA is a Personal Web App which allows club owners to scan students who attend lessons at their club.

How to Install to iOS Home Screen

  1. Launch Safari on your ‌iPhone‌ or ‌iPad‌.
  2. Navigate to both checkin APP and Members APP
  3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen. (If you don’t see the action, scroll to the bottom and tap Edit Actions, then tap Add next to the Add to ‌Home Screen‌ action. After that, you’ll be able to select it from the Share Sheet.)

How to Install to Android Home Screen

  1. Open web browser on your Android device
  2. Navigate to both checkin APP and Members APP
  3. Press the Menu button and then tap on Page
  4. Tap Add Page Shortcut
  5. Your shortcut should now appear on your home screen

Clubscope is a Division of W.E.B.S Ltd

Custom written APPS and Software written for Martial Arts and Fitness Clubs @